Toshiba Testing

Love it!! To see the testing that goes on at Toshiba!

Zone Perfect Blog Forward Challenge

**Disclosure:  I am participating in a campaign through Zone Perfect.  They have provided product to help facilitate the campaign.  No monetary compensation has been received.  Although I have entered the campaign and received complimentary product and ZonePerfect promotional items, I am free to comment about ZonePerfect in a positive, neutral or negative fashion, based upon my experience with the product.

This year we are really trying to turn our eating habits around.  I grew up on fast food.  My mom did not cook much so we were always picking up either pizza or burgers and fries!   I carried that routine into my young adult life, really not knowing any better.  It was not until my second marriage that I discovered "real" food and starting really paying attention to what my body needed, not wanted.   I need to make this happen!

 Making It Happen!  That says it all!  Year after year I set goals and within months they are broken.  That's it! I'm tired of letting myself go, tired of making goals and not sticking to them and just tired of all the talk and no action!  This is going to be MY year!! Ever wonder why things don't go your way?  Why didn't this happen or that happen?  You know that your actions greatly affect they way your life goes?!  I truly believe that - if somethings doesn't happen or falls through - I will admit that I had a big part in that.  Like the saying goes - if there is something you truly want in your heart, then there is nothing that can get in your way.  Yes, there will be obstacles and trials that you will go through, but it's how you handle them that determines the outcome.  Will you push through or just accept the way life is going and change nothing?

My goals for 2014
  • Become closer to God.  Become at least halfway through studying the Bible & be more committed in my prayer life, always putting God first in my life.
  • Eat healthier (learning portion control & choosing the right snacks)
  • Exercise more 
  • Be only positive
  • Become a stepping stone & not a stumbling stone for others
I know this may seem like a lot, but if there is a way you want to see your life go, then you have to want to make it happen! And I do! :)  Below is a letter to myself to help me stay encouraged!

Dear Tara,

This has got to be your year!  You are off to a great start - losing 15 pounds so far this year!!  Don't give up, I know you can do this.  I know it's hard, but think about the results in the end - how amazing will it be to feel comfortable and free.  You are currently at the lowest you have been in over 15 years!! Keep it up and let's turn heads this year!! Between meals and for protein - pick up those Zone Perfect Bars.   So yummy and filling!! Let's do this!

I hope you will join with me and get healthy this year!  Doing it as a family helps tremendously!! Below are some great tips to help you get started with creating some goals! 

Nutrisystem Update + Cravings

**Disclosure:  This is part of a three month campaign with Nutrisystem.  I have been provided product to use to help facilitate this review at no charge so that I can give you an honest and through review of the program as I go through the three months. 

Six weeks into the program and down 14 pounds!! I am so happy with the Nutrisystem Program, by no means would I call this a diet.  I think I would call this more like learning portion control and learning a new way of eating as well as an introduction to veggies and learning the different ways to prepare them.   Two of my favorite foods are pizza & chocolate!!  Before the program, I could eat four to five slices of pizza and snack on chocolate all day.  Now, don't think that when you join the program you have to give up your favorite foods.  I still have pizza at least twice a week lol!!  Plus it's great, because when I get pizza for the family, I can make my own personal pizza from Nutrisystem.  I really enjoy it and it satisfies my pizza cravings.  Now when it comes to chocolate, if you really cannot be without your chocolate like me - you can surely have plenty of it while on the program.   They have breakfast & lunch bars that are chocolate, they have chocolate shakes and even a few different dessert choices with chocolate in them.  So there's def not a shortage of chocolate - in face some days when I'm really craving chocolate, I do have it for breakfast, my chocolate shake and a chocolate dessert - oh and they even have lunch bars that are chocolate - so some days it can be too much, so I have learned to spread the chocolate out lol!   All in all, I have really enjoyed the food.  They have such a wide variety of food - what ever your craving may be, I am sure you will find some way to incorporate it within the programs long list of food choices!!

Kitchen Shortcuts with Anthony's Pasta

**Disclosure: This is part of a compensated campaign with Antony's Pasta.  All opinions are of my own, along with my own kitchen short cuts and pictures.  

With kids, a house to keep up, errands to run, books to balance and work to be done, who has time to spend hours in the kitchen daily?  Not me for sure!  This is why I love this new contest that Anthony's Pasta is currently running through March 19th.  I'm a big believer in sharing tips and tricks with other parents and that's what this new contest is all about - sharing our Kitchen Shortcuts! Good thing for us, Anthony's is also a little obsessed with shortcuts.  Wanna know their idea?  They came up with the idea of their new Pot-Sized Pasta.  All those little pieces of broken pasta on the stove top?  Gone!  They made their spaghetti half the length.  Goes straight into the pot without breaking.  So not only does it save a step or two, it even comes in a cute box that fits better in the pantry.  And it's little, "no-due" things like that, that change things forever.

Enter the "Share Your Shortcut" Promotion here on Facebook.  The entry who receives the most votes on their shortcut through a user poll receives a $500 gift card at the end of the promotion!  Want to know my shortcut?  Click here to view and vote for me! :) Then come back here & share your tip with us!

Wishing you all an exciting and fulfilling Valentines Day weekend!!  Enjoy, have fun & be safe!!

This Saturday!

I'm going to be at the show here in Vegas on Saturday - I totally can't wait!!  It's a great line up this year with on of my favorite bands playing - Skillet!! My husband & I went a couple years ago as this is a yearly concert.  We had a blast and wished we had taken the kids.  Well - this year they are going!  I'm not sure who's more excited, them or me?! Tickets are only $10 at the door, can't get any better than that.  It's definitely a moving experience!  Hope you'll join us!