
Did you know that 59% of today's college students keep tabs on their accounts by banking online and 41% use their mobile devices (me included) to manage their money? According to a recent Seventeen magazine study, today's college students use their phone for tasks like mobile check deposits and mobile-to-mobile payments at a rate that's more than twice as high as the average smartphone user. 

Meet GoBank - GoBank is a new mobile bank account that was specifically built for the smartphone generation.  A GoBank account is an FDIC-insured bank account designed from the ground up to be opened and used on a mobile device.  Not only does GoBank put a new spin on traditional banking, but the business model is reflective of CEO Steve Streit's trust in customers (which is not very prominent now in the corporate world).  They also have a great Student / Customer friendly fee structure:
  • No overdraft fees
  • No minimum balance requirements
  • Pay what you want monthly fee (Yep! That's right, GoBank works on tips - GoBankers can decide if they will have a $0 monthly fee up to $9.
  • Free person to person payments  (send money to anyone, even non-GoBankers!)
  • Unlimited & immediate funds transfer
  • Free debit card (can also create a custom debit card with any photo, cool!)
To learn more about this cool new service to send your freshman off with, visit GoBank