Keeping Kids Organized

Amy Morris, single Mom of two teenagers and founder of, offers these unique tips to help your kids start the school year with a check plus -

Hub Of The House – Create a central location to hang a bulletin board that will hold important school and family information. Teach kids to update the calendar upon receiving new information and get in the habit of checking it the night before for the following day’s activities so that they can prepare in advance.

GotFamilyGetOrganized.comAn organized parent sets a good example. This website stores in a unique, simplified, and easy to use format, important family information: school schedules and extracurricular activities, social and sport information, and medical, just to name a few, and it is all available in a central location that can be accessed anytime and anywhere – from any computer, iPad, or smart phone.

Organize BackpacksA backpack is your child’s personal assistant. Teach them how to keep it neatly organized by only filling them with necessary school day items and keeping out unnecessary loose papers, non-school items and liquids.

Make ListsTeaching kids to make and prioritize lists will provide them with a greater sense of accomplishment - as they complete items and their lists become smaller, they will feel more productive and they have a greater sense of satisfaction in themselves. Kids will take ownership for their tasks, shape their own time, and gain greater independence.

Student File StorageTeach your kids to sort and effectively file school papers in an organized manner. It will be crucial to them at exam time – especially if midterm and end of year final exams are inclusive of all the material covered to date.

Organization is an awesome opportunity for kids to gain self-confidence and independence and not lose their sanity or you lose yours.

Thanks Amy!! Please visit for more useful information!